(full details via Google Scholar)
Wang Y, Wang H, Huang Y, Li Y, Li Z, Makepeace JW, Lui Q, Zhang F, Allan PK, Lu Z, 'Mitigating Strain Accumulation in Li2RuO3 via Fluorine Doping' Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2024, 15, 5359-5365
David WIF, Agnew GD et al., '2023 Roadmap on ammonia as a carbon-free fuel' Journal of Physics: Energy, 2024, 6(2), 021501
Wang Y, Li Y, Li Z, Qin N, Wu F, Makepeace JW, Zhang F, Allan PK and Lu Z, 'Monitoring the Local Coordination Evolutions in Li-Rich Cathode Materials via In Situ Raman Spectroscopy' ACS Energy Letters, 2023, 8, 4888-4894
Brooker-Davis CA, Makepeace JW* and Wood TJ, ‘Enhancement of the Catalytic Activity of Lithium Amide towards Ammonia Decomposition by Addition of Transition Metals’ The Journal of Ammonia Energy, 2023, 1(1), 46-58
Ravi M and Makepeace JW* 'Lithium–nitrogen–hydrogen systems for ammonia synthesis: exploring a more efficient pathway using lithium nitride–hydride' Chemical Communications, 2022, 58(41), 6076-6079
Ravi M and Makepeace JW* 'Facilitating green ammonia manufacture under milder conditions: what do heterogeneous catalyst formulations have to offer?' Chemical Science, 2022, 13(4), 890-908
Makepeace JW*, Brittain JM, Sukhwani Manghnani A, Murray CA, Wood TJ and David WIF 'Compositional flexibility in Li-N-H materials: implications for ammonia catalysis and hydrogen storage' Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23, 15091-15100
Coates CS, Baise M, Schmutzler A, Simonov A, Makepeace JW, Seel AG, Smith RI, Playford HY, Keen DA, Siegel R, Senker J, Slater B and Goodwin 'Spin-ice physics in cadmium cyanide' Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1), 1-8
Hirscher M, Yartys VA et al. ‘Materials for hydrogen-based energy storage – past, recent progress and future outlook’ Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 827, 153548
Kong L, Guo J, Makepeace JW, Xiao T, Greer HF, Zhou W, Jiang Z and Edwards PP ‘Rapid Synthesis of BiOBrxI1-x photocatalysts: Insights to the visible-light photocatalytic activity and strong deviation from Vegard’s law’ Catalysis Today, 2019, 335, 477-484
Makepeace JW*, He T, Weidenthaler C, Jensen TR, Chang F, Vegge T, Ngene P, Kojima Y, de Jongh PE, Chen P and David WIF ‘Reversible ammonia-based and liquid organic hydrogen carriers for high-density hydrogen storage: recent progress’ International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(15), 7746-7767
Makepeace JW*, Wood TJ, Marks P, Smith RI, Murray CA and David WIF ‘Bulk phase behaviour of lithium imide–metal nitride ammonia decomposition catalysts’ Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20(35), 22689-22697
Wood TJ and Makepeace JW ‘Assessing potential supports for lithium amide-imide ammonia decomposition catalysts’ ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, 1, 2657-2663
Coates CS, Makepeace JW, Seel AG, Baise M, Slater B and Goodwin AL ‘Synthesis, PtS-type structure, and anomalous mechanics of the Cd(CN)2 precursor Cd(NH3)2[Cd(CN)4]’ Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47(21), 7263-7271
Wood TJ, Makepeace JW and David WIF ‘Neutron diffraction and gravimetric study of the manganese nitriding reaction under ammonia decomposition conditions’ Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 8547-8553
Makepeace JW* and David WIF ‘Structural Insights into the Lithium Amide-Imide Solid Solution’ Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(22), 12010-12017
Wood TJ, Makepeace JW and David WIF ‘Neutron diffraction and gravimetric study of the iron nitriding reaction under ammonia decomposition conditions’ Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 27859-27865
Wood TJ, Makepeace JW and David WIF ‘Isotopic studies of the ammonia decomposition reaction using lithium imide catalyst’, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(6), 4719-4724
Hunter HMA, Makepeace JW, Wood TJ, Mylius OS, Kibble MG, Nutter JB, Jones MO and David WIF ‘Demonstrating hydrogen production from ammonia using lithium imide – powering a small PEM fuel cell’ Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 329, 138-147
Makepeace JW, Hunter HMA, Wood TJ, Smith RI, Murray CA and David WIF ‘Ammonia decomposition catalysis using lithium-calcium imide’ Faraday Discussions, 2016, 188, 525-544
Wood TJ, Makepeace JW, Hunter HMA, Jones MO and David WIF ‘Isotopic Studies of the Ammonia Decomposition Reaction Mediated by Sodium Amide’ Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 22999-23006
Makepeace JW, Wood TJ, Hunter HMA, Jones MO and David WIF ‘Ammonia decomposition catalysis using non-stoichiometric lithium imide’ Chemical Science, 2015, 6, 3805-3815
Humphries TD, Makepeace JW, Hino S, David WIF and Hauback BC ‘Regeneration of Sodium Alanate studied by powder in situ neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction’ Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 16594-16600
David WIF, Makepeace JW, Callear SK, Hunter HMA, Taylor JD, Wood TJ and Jones MO ‘Production of hydrogen from ammonia using sodium amide’ Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136 (38), 13082-13085
Makepeace JW, Jones MO, Callear SK, Edwards PP and David WIF ‘X-ray Powder Diffraction Studies of Hydrogen Storage and Release in the Li-N-H system’ Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 4061-4070
Ogilvie AD, Makepeace JW, Hore K, Ramirez-Cuesta AJ, Apperley DC, Mitchels JM, Edwards PP and Sartbaeva A ‘Catalyst-free synthesis of sodium amide nanoparticles encapsulated in silica gel’ Chemical Physics, 2013, 427, 61-65
Makepeace JW, Lenehan CE, Quinton JS, Proud J and Pring A ‘Mutiny and Mineralogy: sourcing hematite in William Bligh's logbooks’ Australian Journal of Mineralogy, 2008, 14, 1, 200
Jones MO, David WIF, Makepeace JW, ‘A method of producing hydrogen’, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Publication number WO2015044691 A1, Publication date 6/10/16
Policy Briefings, Technical Reports
Ravi, M, Ding Y and Makepeace JW, 'Green ammonia: from fertiliser to sustainable fuel', in Addressing the climate challenge, 2021, University of Birmingham
'Ammonia: zero-carbon fertiliser, fuel and energy store', Royal Society Policy Briefing, 2020
'Ammonia to Green Hydrogen Project: Feasibility study', BEIS Hydrogen Supply Competition, 2019